URSS - translation to English
Online Dictionary

URSS - translation to English

Urss; URSS (disambiguation)
  • USSR]]'s) [[Tupolev ANT-25]] N025 in flight

USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, official name of the former Soviet Union (union of 15 republics in eastern Europe and northern Asia which was formed in 1922 and dissolved in 1991)



URSS is an alternative spelling of USSR. In other languages, it stands for Unión de Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas (Spanish), Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques (French), Unyon ng mga Republikang Sosyalistang Sobyet (Filipino), Uni Republik Sosialis Soviet (Indonesian), Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche (Italian), União das Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas (Portuguese), Uniunea Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste (Romanian), among others. Within the Soviet Union itself, URSS was the preferred Latin-script abbreviation for the country until World War II, when it was replaced with USSR.

URSS may also refer to:

  • Editorial URSS, a Russian scientific publishing house
  • Amicii URSS, literary Romanian for "[The] Friends of the Soviet Union"
  • Concerts en URSS, a 1996 album by electronic band Space
  • The ICAO airport code for Adler-Sochi International Airport in Russia
Examples of use of URSS
1. Comme pour le pain, en URSS.» Padi Bernhard, vous connaissez?
2. Les infrastructures énergétiques héritées de l‘ex–URSS sont vétustes.
3. Le Parti humilie l‘Amérique avec pudeur, loin des répulsions idéologiques de l‘axe USA–URSS.
4. En 1'64, il fut nommé à la tête de la délégation de larmée égyptienne en URSS.
5. Pire, dix–huit pays d‘Afrique et d‘ex–URSS ont reculé par rapport ŕ 1''0.